Todd Thomas NEW

Todd Thomas

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My mind was rattled today by some tragic events in the life of a family friend, coupled with news of the death of a former elderly patient. His passing was so similar to how I lost my own mother nearly 30 years ago that I felt the urge to just run away. Of course that just is not practical for most of us, but what else can we do?

I am reminded of a time when my son Derek was about 8 or 9 years old. He and I had a disagreement over who knows what. Probably something to do with his time spent playing Nintendo or not completing homework. He disappeared into his room and slammed the door. A few minutes later, out he came lugging a suitcase. He said he was leaving, running away. I just stood there, calm, and asked him where he was intending to go? “I don’t know!” he snorted. “Do you need me to help you, call you a taxi or anything?” I asked with sarcasm he was too young to detect. “No! I’m fine” was his reply. Out the door of our third floor Andy Griffith and Opie apartment he went while his little sister freaked out begging me to stop him. “Just relax”, I said to her, “He’ll be back in a few minutes”.

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